3151 SOARING GULLS #2054
LAS VEGAS, Nevada 89128


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Listing Agent: King Futt's Rentals
Telephone: (702) 892-0279
Email: lvleasingking@gmail.com

Property Type: Residential - Single Family
Attached/Detached:  Attached Home
Floors:  Multilevel (2 floors)
Year Built:

CHECK OUT OUR VIDEO https://youtu.be/QnxT1uphO0s

Dogs Allowed: Yes
Cats Allowed: Yes




  • • Refrigerator
  • • Master Bathroom
  • • Central Heating
  • • Dish Washer

  • • Garage: CarPort
  • • Covered Patio

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contact us

King Futts PFM LLC

5700 Boulder Highway

Las Vegas, Nevada 89122

Telephone: (702) 892-0279

Email: kingfuttspfm@yahoo.com